Due to these successes, we have been invited by Justin Bird of the Chester Group to reproduce this Live vs Recorded Event at the UK Audio Show 2023. Clearly this will be more challenging doing such remotely from a studio environment but Damon Sawyer and The Audio Consultants have worked on a plan together to be able to present this at this UK Audio Show.
We will only be doing this recording session on Saturday 7 October between 11am and 1pm. There will be limited number of tickets available to this closed door event. The same ticket holders will be invited back during the afternoon to hear the recording played back through The Audio Consultants audio system. Further details will be announced later.
The musician performing will be Mim Grey and Alan West. Mim is best known for being “the most beautiful voice to come out of the UK for a long time”. Her music is sensuous, soulful, county-influenced music, “ a subtle fusion of Joni, James Talyor and John Mayer”. Alan has been regarded as having one of the finest country music voices to come out of the UK. His emotional, yet informative, way of singing a story has moved many an audience over the world.
After the closed door sessions, all visitors will be able to hear Mim and Alan performing live during the late afternoon of Saturday. The Sunday will be devoted to listening to The Audio Consultants audio systems only. Whilst not finalised yet, the brands on demonstration will include:
Origin Live
4 Zephyr House Calleva Park | Aldermaston | Berkshire RG7 8JN
Demonstrations by appointment Monday – Saturday: 10:00am to 6:00pm.
Telephone or Zoom consultations are available and can be booked at mutually convenient times
Audio Consultants