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Gutwire cables announce a price rise

Luxman D-07X

GutWire Cables are among the very best sounding cables on the market today and have proven very popular with our customers over many years. In home audition comparisons they outperform other better known brands that are well reviewed and have large marketing budgets.

An artisan company than hand makes all their products, multiple levels of shielding, and all joints are cold welded, no solder ultilised.

They offer a wide range of signal cables, some very fine sounding power cords, and their unique technology within their ground cables. Prices range from the affordable Congruence and Synchrony Cube models to those that would suit high-end systems but always offering value for the investment.

Due to substantial rises in freight costs, raw material expenses, and rising labour costs, GutWire Cables are compelled to implement these necessary corrections and have announced a price increase to be applied from October 1 2023. Any orders placed by the 31 September will be honoured at the current published prices.

“There’s not a hair out of place; every frequency is perfectly handled without any undue emphasis or weakness.”

Alan Sircom, hifi+ issue 207.

Read more about GutWire cables

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