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Hana Cartridge

Hana means ‘brilliant and gorgeous’ in the Japanese language and is the inspiration for Hana cartridges.

The Hana range of low and high output moving coil cartridges offer outstanding performance and value in their respective price ranges. From very affordable to the outstanding Umami Blue and Red models.

Hana cartridges are the result of over 50 years expertise from the master cartridge maker Masao Okada-san. Their ranges have been developed to offer supreme musicality at affordable price points, to allow the customer to choose a model commensurate with the ancillary components it will be partnered with.

Hana’s highly skilled technicians still use well established hand-assembly techniques, along with modern manufacturing technologies and 100% laboratory testing, to ensure the highest possible performance from their cartridges.

Hana Umami Blue UB cartridge
Hana Umami Blue UB cartridge

Hana cartridge models

Hana has cartridges for most budgets and offer great value at these price points, whether it be the E, S, M, or the higher end Umami series. Hana also offer High-Output MC cartridges which can be played through a standard MM Phono stage, not requiring a specific MC phono stage or step-up transformer, saving on costs. There is also a S series Mono cartridge.

In our listening tests we found Hana to be open, detailed, textured and with good body to the sound. Certainly very “gorgeous” to listen to. We have found that these cartridges need longer than usual to run-in to give optimal sound performance. In the early stages of burn-in they can sound “strange”.

Elliptical Tip Series

Hana EH - high output MC £419
Hana EL – low output MC (pictured) £419

Shibata tip series

Hana SH - high output MC (pictured) £639
Hana SL – low output MC £639
Hana SLM – MONO low output £639

Micro-Line Series

Hana MH – high output MC (pictured) £1049
Hana ML – low output MC £1049

Umami Series

Hana Umami Blue UB – low output MC (pictured at top of page) £2149
Umami Red UR (pictured) – low output MC, micro-line £3399

Hana website >>

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