This respected Swiss company has been making cartridges for many years and also supplies parts to other cartridge companies. Their sound is one of the most natural tonality, slightly warm balance, with a very large, deep soundstage. Cartridge loading requirements are 500 ohms or higher up to around 10Kohms.
ACE (SL, SM and SH) and GLIDER (SL, SM and SH)
are no longer available. We now have taken on Hana to cover this price range and we have been very impressed with their performance. Check our Hana Cartridge section for more details. The Benz Micro Reference S and above are still available, as listed below.
Reference S output 0.3mV £1995
Gullwing SLR output 0.34mV £2595
Gullwing SHR output 0.7mV £2595
Ebony SL output 0.26mV £2695
Ebony SM output 0.8mV £2695
Ebony SH output 2.5mV £2695
Ebony TR output 0.1mV £2695
Ruby Z output 0.34mV £2695
Ruby Z H output 0.7mV £2695
LP output 0.34mV £2795
LP S output 0.34mV £3195
SPECIAL PRICES for mail order, self-install – please phone for details.
4 Zephyr House Calleva Park | Aldermaston | Berkshire RG7 8JN
Demonstrations by appointment Monday – Saturday: 10:00am to 6:00pm.
Telephone or Zoom consultations are available and can be booked at mutually convenient times
Audio Consultants