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Solid State Amplifiers

We are involved in an extensive listening programme to re-evaluate some of our amplification brands. What we do not like is a bright and forward presentation of which there are, sadly, many examples. Whatever we choose will be based on a natural, more realistic presentation of music reproduction, similar to that experienced in a concert hall.

Two of the best amplification systems we have heard over the years are from Spectral Audio and Edge Electronics. These are our reference sounds. Unfortunately neither of these brands is represented here in the UK but they remain amongst the sounds we measure others by in terms of speed, dynamics, tonal accuracy, and most importantly sound stage scale and depth. 

We have evaluated the new Audio Analogue Pure AA designs from this long established Italian company. In particular, the heavily re-designed Puccini Anniversary integrated amplifier is a very impressive product, quite an advance in sound over its original version.

AVM a high end German manufacturer make exceptional sounding products in a modular design with many variations possible. Whilst principally Class A/AB in design the Class content is high and contributes to the high sound quality, A selection of these are with us and their Ovation series, particularly their pre- power amplifier combinations, are up with the very best we have heard, rivalling brands like Edge, Boulder, Constellation and Solution. They have just launched a new entry level set of products called the AVM 30.3 Series which offer exceptional value for money.

Hegel Music Systems is a Norwegian electronics company which has been around since the mid-1990s but in recent years has become much better known in the higher end of the audio market. They have a very focused range of products which include five integrated amplifiers, two pre-power amplifier combinations.

Luxman offer a superb range of products, all at a very high level of sound quality. We have selected three of their integrated Class A/AB amplifiers and one that is pure Class A. All are remarkable for their sound-stage delivery. Very much a Class A sound from the Class A/AB design.

Audiolab also offer a range of exceptional sounding amplifiers of high build quality which are hard to beat at the prices offered. Classy design and aesthetics are a bonus.

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