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We have evaluated the new Pure AA designs from this long established Italian company. In particular, the heavily re-designed Puccini Anniversary integrated amplifier is a very impressive product, quite an advance in sound over its original version. The tonal balance is very natural, but very dynamic when called for. A large and deep soundstage which is always something that appeals to us. Dual mono in its layout, with inputs separated left and right, and handed. One very large toroidal transformer and a power supply giving 25 amps current. Audiophile grade components abound including the high quality RCA inputs and winged speaker terminals. It delivers an understated 80 wpc into 8 ohms, which is more like 100 wpc and 185 wpc into 4 ohms. More than capable of keeping most speakers under control. The most important thing is the sound: very elegant and smooth but not euphonic or lacking in detail. Even played loud it retains its composure. Quite a different refined presentation setting it apart from the more usual competitive brands in this price point.
Puccini Anniversary integrated amplifier – 80 wpc/8 ohms £5,000
The Maestro Anniversary integrated amplifier takes this design philosophy to a much higher level with the dual mono, fully balanced, zero feedback design that includes two transformers. Output jumps to 150 wpc into 8 ohms and 300 wpc into 4 ohms, probably conservative ratings.
This is one of the best integrated amps we have heard in a long time delivering huge 3-dimensional sound stages with a very natural tonal balance. Again superb dynamics and will drive most speakers with ease. Both the Maestro and the Puccini employ zero global feedback technology.
Maestro Anniversary integrated amplifier – 150 wpc/8 ohms £9,500
NEW Absolute integrated amplifier coming soon. 50wpc Class A/150wpc Class AB £20,000
We have just had the pleasure of auditioning the Bellini Anniversary pre-amplifier with the matching Donizetti Anniversary power amplifier. All dual mono, zero feedback designs; output from the stereo amplifier is 250 wpc/8 ohms and 500 wpc/4 ohms. Sonically very similar to the splendid Maestro Anniversary, as one would expect, but the authority and extension to the bass is raised to a higher level. Superb build quality and value for money compared to the obvious competitors.
Bellini Anniversary pre-amplifier £7,000
Donizetti Anniversary stereo power amplifier - 250 wpc/8 ohms £12,500
4 Zephyr House Calleva Park | Aldermaston | Berkshire RG7 8JN
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