Home / Products / Vinyl Replay / Turntables / Exposure Electronics turntables
The unit has a minimalist aesthetic but this hides some innovative technology, considering its reasonable price. The unit has several methods for vibration reduction. Firstly, they have decided to go the low mass route for the chassis, which means it dissipates vibrational energy more quickly. Stiffness however is still maintained by the laminate exterior, with a lightweight foam core. Vibration is further reduced by the aluminium and Santoprene rubber feet. The bearing assembly is part of the sub chassis and is made from a single piece of aluminium.
The platter however has gone the high mass route with this being made of a laminate using two layers of float glass ensures a very flat surface for the record. The higher mass leads to better speed stability.
Fitted with a high-quality precision tonearm, with its mounting braced to the bearing housing.
The external power supply with push-button speed controller makes the operation of the unit very simple. A smoked polystyrene dust cover ensures the unit is kept in as clean and dust free. The power supply is specifically matched and tuned for each individual turntable, increasing speed accuracy still further.
We have been impressed listening to a demo model thus far, but as yet have not done an extensive listening tests. It is not supplied with a cartridge, so will be deciding on our favourites in due course but likely to be one of the more reasonable priced Hana MM cartridges.
Exposure 360 Turntable (avilable in black only) £1,300
Please note cartridge not included.
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