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Vinyl Ionizer

DS Audio Vinyl De-ionizer ION-001

This innovative new product from DS Audio generates both positive and negative ions which neutralise and removes the static charge from vinyl records whilst playing.

The source of static electricity is created by many actions. Removing the LP from the inner sleeve (even an anti-static one) and the outer jacket, the stylus drag whilst playing the LP, and just rotating the LP in a dry atmosphere all contribute to static build up. Most of our living spaces that are centrally heated have very low humidity levels which exacerbate the build-up of static electricity.

The ION-001 emits both positive and negative ions from dual outlets in a controlled fashion effectively eliminating the static electricity charge from the record surface whilst it is playing. The effect on sound is very pronounced and makes for a more natural tonal balance with authoritative dynamics.

The ION-001 is equipped with 4 ionisers: two each for positive and negative ions. It incorporates a specially designed power supply controller that suppresses the generation of excess ozone preventing unwanted oxidation. The output of the ions is “fan less” and is therefore silent in operation and inaudible whilst the record is played.

The elegant, architectural tower shape allows for simple and quick installation standing next to most turntable designs with platter heights up to 18 cm/7 inches. For taller turntables an additional support is required. Ideal positioning is 5 to 8 cm from the record surface but is effective even 15 cm away. Due to the shape of the ION-001, it does not impede changing vinyl records.

The ION-001 will also remove static electricity from CDs. Treat them briefly, 15-20 seconds, in their jewel case prior to inserting into the CD player.

ION-001 Vinyl De-ionizer £1750

ION 001 Vinyl Ionizer DS Audio

ION-001 Vinyl Ionizer 

ION 001 Vinyl Ionizer DS Audio

It is quite simply outstanding, or at least it is here! I would automatically include it in any system if budget allowed.

Mr R R, London

An essential accessory for vinyl playback the sound is so much more palpably real with a focus to the soundstage and an immediate believability that you are listening to actual instruments rather than a recorded mix of music. I find it very hard to listen to any clean LP without it. Well worth the price and sound for pound a real bargain in terms of improvement.

I am impressed with at least four things from this investment for my vinyl replay. Firstly it looks really great, it is a quality item. Secondly it allows the record to remain clean, even after an audiodesksysteme ultrasonic wash, there is simply no dust or static felt. Thirdly the stylus seems to remain clean and have very little residue even after a few sides, the DS Audio Stylus Cleaner has very little work to do! Fourthly and most significantly the music enhanced in a quantum leap way that you feel I have a whole new system.

I am so glad to have purchased the DS ION-001. Each record I play has a whole new level of emotional involvement and realism. The challenge is then to listen to the music rather than thinking wow how did that just happen! It's a keeper!

Mr M Brown, Kent

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