This device may look like many others but the effect on the sound of the turntable is very different. This record weight will fit over the spindle of almost all turntables and is to be used in place of those supplied with clamps. It places the Harmonic Resolution System (HRS) proprietary polymer compound in intimate contact with the LP over the label area. This polymer compound absorbs the vibrational energy generated by the stylus reading the LP groove or the structure borne energy that is transmitted through the chassis and from the platter bearing. Removing these resonances, the sound from the LP is far more natural, less distorted especially at the higher frequencies, and much more transparent. Soundstages become deeper because the finest details that resolve the space of the recording venue are more apparent and image focus is more precise. Our customers say that once they play their vinyl systems with this record weight, they cannot listen to their LPs without using it.
Please note this is not a threaded clamp so it will not flatten a warped record. However, even when used with warped LPs the sonic benefit is still very apparent.
We have trial samples available for home evaluation. Please phone for details.
ADL Analogue Disc weight (pictured) £265
ADH Stainless Steel Disc weight (pictured) £485
The new stainless steel version of ADH weight is now available in adition to the ADL. This is made from non-magnetic stainless steel and has 3 times the mass of the ADL. It is optimised for higher mass, non-suspended turntables. Only be available in the natural machined stainless steel finish.
The initial response from a few customers who have bought ADH weights report an extremely large upgrade in levels of transparency compared to the already superb performance generated from using the ADL.
HRS system components will prove to be an essential collection to remove noise from your hi-fi. And less noise, of course, means more music.
Paul Rigby, The Audiophile Man, Dec 16
There is a whole level more clarity, lower noise floor and tonally more neutral. More than justifies the additional cost difference.
Mr M Brown, Kent
4 Zephyr House Calleva Park | Aldermaston | Berkshire RG7 8JN
Demonstrations by appointment Monday – Saturday: 10:00am to 6:00pm.
Telephone or Zoom consultations are available and can be booked at mutually convenient times
Audio Consultants