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Audio Analogue CD players

Audio Analogue AADrive (CD Transport)

A new CD transport is always a welcome component to receive in an age when many are fixated on streaming and the new Audio Analogue AAdrive did not disappoint. We naturally paired it with the matching DAC from their ‘PureAA line’ of products, the AAdac. Once run this in, this combination displayed a wide and deep soundstage with a real sense of image density and weight to the music. The combination is very resolving without being fatiguing, which is typical of the Audio Analogue sound: a full bodied with a natural tonal balance. Timing is excellent which adds to good rhythmic sense. Bass has all the attributes we look for: extension, authority, texture, and most importantly, the correct timbre. With naturally recorded classical pieces, the pair can deliver fast dynamics ably illustrating the power of orchestral works. Similarly a naturally acoustic studio recording of jazz or popular musicians are reproduced with satisfying weight. The overall sound of this combination can be more forgiving than most in delivering brighter recordings with less of the hard edged, etched sound that can be the case with some competitive products. This AAdrive is a superb transport and represents exceptional value at the price offered. A worthy partner to any quality DAC and a natural combination with its own AAdac.

As with all Audio Analogue products, this has been meticulously designed with great attention to detail and quality parts chosen by ear. The CD drive mechanism chosen, and then further modified in-house, is a very well-respected unit from Teac. This unit has been built principally for sonic excellence but also for long term reliability.

This is a substantially built unit using a thick aluminium front panel and matches the slim style of the other Pure AA line units (the AAdac and AAphono), at only 22 cm wide. The CD playback viewing window on the top is a stylish touch, not seen often. The remote handset, a thing of beauty in itself, matches the solid aluminium build of the front panel.

  • Audio Analogue AAdrive features

    • High quality CD transport from Teac (CD5020A) which is then further modified in-house including a new aluminium clamp
    • Digital output:  - 1 x 75 ohm RCA S/PDIF - 1 x 110 ohm AES/EBU balanced XLR
    • Separate power supplies for the digital audio and control sections maximising resolution and detail retrieval
    • 5.5 kg of solid aluminium construction
    • Solid aluminium remote control

Audio Analogue AAdrive in silver or black £2,250

Audio Analogue AADRIVE

Audio Analogue AAdrive (CD Transport)

Audio Analogue AAdac (DAC, Pre-Amp and Headphone Amplifier)

We have been enamoured with the fully balanced AAdac since it arrived. The sound quality of this unit is totally seductive, offering image separation, detail and micro dynamics delivered with finesse. Bass is full bodied and extended, along with class leading dynamics and depth of image.

The compact 22cm wide unit has been designed to match the style of the other Audio Analogue products and looks striking. A natural partner with the AAdrive shown above and combination will easily compete with other CD players in this price point, or up to 50% more.

  • Audio Analogue AAdac features

    • High performance D/A converter stage up to 32bit/768Khz using Sabre ES9038
    • Amanero USB converter up to 32bit/384KHz and native DSD (up to 512)
    • 7 different selectable digital filters
    • Digital Inputs: 2 x Coax, 1 x Toslink Optical, 1 x AES/EBU Balanced, 1 x USB, Antenna for Bluetooth aptX
    • Sample Rates: SPDIF (up to 24bit/192KHz), Toslink (up to 24bit/96KHz, AES/EBU (up to 24bit/192KHz) digital inputs, Bluetooth aptX® high quality audio wireless input (up to 16bit/48KHz)
    • Analogue outputs: Both RCA and Balanced XLR
    • Separate boards for each stage
    • Separate power supplies dedicated to digital and analogue sections
    • Fully balanced and discrete audiophile components in the output stage to perfectly support the ultra-low noise and ultra-low distortion digital stage
    • High quality headphone output
    • Possibility to use in direct (DAC) or volume regulated mode (DAC + preamp)
    • Full aluminium construction

Audio Analogue AAdac in silver or black £4,500

Audio Analogue AADAC

Audio Analogue AAdac (DAC, Pre-Amp and Headphone Amplifier

recently reviewed

Alan Sircom (Hifi+ March 2021)

I think the AAdrive and AAdac are both something of a high-end star combination, in the making. They deserve to be at the front end of some extremely high-grade audio.

It (Audio Analogue) can do to digital what it does so well to Analogue shouldn’t be a surprise. However, the fact it does it so well, making this one of the go-to front ends to beat at the price still comes of something of a surprise, in part because the AAdac, in particular, takes on an extremely contended market. And wins

Finally, the AAdrive and AAdac combination taken together is worthy of note, as they represent one of the best ways of making a good sound from CD for the high-end enthusiast without £50k to burn.

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